App en tablet versie van het TWS van IB.

TWS mobiele handelsplatformen

Handel alle instrumenten via de spectaculaire, gebruiksvriendelijke mobiele versies van het TWS platform.

De mobiele beurs app van TWS.

De Trader Workstation mobiele app geeft u toegang tot de wereldmarkten. Waar u ook bent, u kunt handelen in aandelen, obligaties, ETF's, futures, opties en forex met alle gangbare ordertypes. Vanaf één rekening kun je handelen op 150 markten uit 33 landen in 24 verschillende valuta.

In dezelfde app blijft u op de hoogte van het laatste economisch nieuws, analyses en bedrijfsinformatie.

De Trader Workstation Mobile App is beschikbaar voor alle Android-apparaten met Android OS 6.0 of hoger, evenals voor alle iOS-apparaten met iOS 11.0 of hoger en watchOS 2.0.

De klantenservice staat al jaren op het hoogste niveau. – Kurt

Een rekening openen is eenvoudig, snel en GRATIS.

De voordelen van de Trader Workstation app

  • Maximale beveiliging voor uw rekening dankzij het speciale inlogsysteem: authenticatie met twee factoren (vingerafdruk, face ID en PIN) beschermt tegen ongeautoriseerde toegang.
  • Wereldwijd handelen in aandelen, opties, vreemde valuta enz. met één app.
  • Toegang tot wereldwijde beurzen met alle gangbare ordertypes.
  • Bespaar geld en profiteer van de IB Smart Routing technologie, die automatisch de best mogelijke uitvoering voor u zoekt.
  • Toegang tot alle portefeuille- en rekeninginformatie met één druk op de knop.
  • Houd altijd de vinger aan de pols met het laatste economische nieuws. Neem geïnformeerde handelsbeslissingen met analistenrapporten en fundamentele informatie.
  • Ontvang koersalarmen op je e-mail.
  • Bekijk real-time grafieken en koersen.

Tablet voor trading.

Snel toegang tot je portefeuille

Tablet en smartphone

  Volg real-time koersen en grafieken van alle verhandelbare instrumenten.

  Volledige controle over alle transacties en posities in uw portefeuille.

  Vind altijd de beste uitvoering met IB's smart routing technologie.

  Mis nooit kansen met de e-mail alarmen.

Een rekening openen is eenvoudig, snel en GRATIS.

"Tot nu toe ben ik erg tevreden over de support van WHS. Ik kan de klantentevredenheid, zoals benadrukt in de WHS marketing, alleen maar bevestigen." - Klaas

"Veel complimenten voor jullie klantvriendelijkheid. Vragen worden snel en accuraat beantwoord. Heel bijzonder in deze tijd. Dat kom je niet vaak meer tegen." - René

Handel met spraaktechnologie

Koop je favoriete instrumenten via spraaktechnologie als je onderweg bent. Deze functie is beschikbaar op het Trader Workstation voor PC, de app en de WebTrader.

Alle handelsmogelijkheden staan voor u open via eenvoudige Engelse spraakopdrachten. U kunt zelfs handelen via Amazon Alexa of Facebook Messenger.

Log in op TWS of de mobiele platformen. Klik op het icoon "Meer" in de tabbalk rechtsonder in de app en selecteer "IBot - Handel via tekstinvoer".


Meer weten over WH SELFINVEST

gratis e-books voor beleggers.
E-books voor beleggers

Bezoek de bibliotheek

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Raadpleeg de kalender

Webinars voor beleggers.
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Veel tevreden klanten

Alle bedrijven zouden een voorbeeld moeten nemen aan jullie klantenservice. – Murat

Informatie over de rekening

Interactive Brokers.

JP Morgan bank.

Broker WH SelfInvest.

Een betrouwbare partner

Een multi-asset rekening wordt op uw naam en voor uw risico geopend bij Interactive Brokers. Naast onze algemene voorwaarden is de rekening onderworpen aan de algemene voorwaarden van IB en alle andere relevante documenten.

Een bekende bank

U kunt uw rekening vullen via een overschrijving naar JP Morgan. Overschrijvingen worden alleen geaccepteerd als u uw naam en uw rekeningnummer in het mededeling veld van de overschrijving vermeldt.

Een legendarische service

WH SelfInvest staat bekend om zijn legendarische service aan particuliere klanten. Deze broker wint elk jaar belangrijke awards en trekt klanten aan die efficiënt willen beleggen of traden.


Start met futures trading

Open een rekening

Eenvoudige en snelle rekening-opening

Gigantisch gamma

De laagst mogelijke commissies

Legendarische service

Ik open mijn rekening

Download de Trader Workstation app

Heeft u vragen over de TWS Mobile App voor Android?

Android Smartphone & Tablet
Device Any Google Android certified* device running at least one of the OS versions below.
Operating System Android OS 6.0 or higher
Account In order to make trades, you must have a confirmed and funded account. Interested parties who are not FXFlat customers can log into TWS Mobile to use a demo version for mobile devices.

TWS Mobile uses IB's Secure Login system, this is a two-factor authentication to secure your account from unwanted access. Use a dedicated security device or secure your data using unique security features such as your fingerprint or a PIN of your own choosing.

Please note that TWS Mobile uses your mobile network for communication purposes in phases and may incur increased data usage charges for roaming connections.

*Only Android-compatible devices licensed through the Google Mobile Service (GMS) are able to install the TWS Mobile app from the Google Play Store.

Android only considers applications that come from the Android Market to be 100% safe. However, you can install TWS Mobile from the FXFlat website or your computer by opening the application settings for your phone and checking the "Unknown sources" checkbox. After that, you can install applications from sources other than Android Market.

If TWS Mobile goes into the background (for example, when you answer an incoming call), you can restore it by clicking the IB TWS application icon or by long-pressing the Home button. Note that in the latter case, TWS Mobile may not be one of the currently running applications, especially if it was running in the background for a long time. This is perfectly normal, as Android automatically shuts down inactive applications when it needs resources.

If you are upgrading to the production version of TWS Mobile for the first time, which contains a version higher than version 0.1.132, you must first uninstall Beta TWS Mobile and then reinstall the production version. If you receive a notice to upgrade while logged in, click Upgrade to go to the TWS Mobile page in the Android Market. Here, select Uninstall and follow the process to uninstall TWS Mobile. Once the uninstall is complete, you can select Install on the TWS Mobile page in Android Market. If you do not see the Uninstall button on the Android Market page, you will need to manually uninstall the following procedure.

  1. From the phone's home screen, access the Settings menu.
  2. Select "Applications" and then "Manage applications".
  3. Select the Mobile TWS application and click Uninstall.

If Mobile TWS has been uninstalled, run the application file or reinstall it from Android Market.

For security reasons, TWS Mobile automatically logs off after 20 minutes of inactivity (TWS Mobile is considered inactive if it is not visible on the screen or the screen is turned off). If you are logged in as a registered user, you can shorten this period to one minute for added security. To do this, open the >Configuration option in the main TWS Mobile window and select >Automatic logout.
When the Mobile TWS has logged off automatically, a notification with IB logo is displayed in the Android taskbar. Clicking on the notification from the Mobile TWS in the Android notification bar reactivates the Mobile TWS.

The TWS Mobile login does not support passwords longer than eight characters. If your password is longer, please enter only the first eight characters. Or reset your TWS password to a maximum of eight characters in Account Management. To reset your password, log in to Account Management on the IB website. In the User Management section, select Password.

If Customer Service has asked you to upload your log file, this is most effectively done before you log in again, as the log is deleted immediately after you log in. To upload the log file BEFORE you log in to IB TWS:

  • From the Login menu, select Upload Log.

To upload the log file if you are already logged in to IB TWS:

  • From the Configuration screen, select Upload Log.

To upload the log file from another screen within the IB TWS application:

Type uploadlog (case-insensitive), and you will be presented with the log upload dialog box where you can provide a description of the problem and attach a screenshot to the package to be sent to IB Support. Notice that you don't see any upload log letters on the screen as you type them. If you see what you are typing (the input focus is in an editable field), the link to upload the log will not work. You need to move the focus for it to work. If your phone does not have a physical keyboard, you can always access the software keyboard by long pressing the menu button.

In cases where you cannot upload your log file using the above procedure, you can manually view, copy and email the file. Simply locate the log file in the configuration, copy the file, and email it to

When you log in to your IB TWS application, all other TWS sessions are automatically logged out. If you are logged into TWS and your Internet connection is interrupted, you do not have to wait for TWS to time out.
When you log in to IB TWS, the existing session is logged off. Note that IB TWS offers more limited trading options than the full Internet version of TWS.

Several account types are not yet supported in IB TWS, including institutional accounts, G accounts (guaranteed dollars), and OATS-reportable accounts. If you have one of these account configurations, you will not be able to trade your IB account through the IB TWS application.

Yes. On the text message page of the alert, enter the email address to which the alert should be sent. This address will be used for all alerts unless deleted or changed. If you do not enter an email address, your alert will be sent to your mobile device as text.

Please submit your request via the IB TWS platform-specific section of the New Features Poll for consideration (English!)

The current version of TWS Mobile supports the following:

  • Order Types: Limit-, Market-, Relative-, Stop-, Trailing-Stop, Stop-Limit
  • Times in Force: Day, Good Till Cancelled (GTC), Outside Regular Trader Hours (outside RTH)
  • Products: Stocks, ETFs, Options, Futures, Forex, Futures Options, CFDs, Warrants

We use your phone information for the following reasons:

  • If you want to associate free alerts with the user, opening free alerts will display the alerts you created in a previous session.
  • To direct you to the geographically closest servers (we have servers on three continents).
  • To pre-populate the default email address with email to the SMS gateway. This currently only applies to AT&T and Verizon phones.

You may be behind a corporate firewall. Please open port 4000 for unproxied TCP / IP communication from your device.

Heeft u vragen over de TWS Mobile App voor IOS?

iPhone / iPod iPad
Device* iPhone 5 or greater iPod Touch 5th Generation iPad 2 or greater iPad mini 1st Generation or greater
Operating System iOS 9.0 iOS 9.0
Account You must have an approved, funded account with CapTrader to trade. Non-customers can log into the IB TWS for Mobile demo. You must have an approved, funded account with CapTrader to trade. Non-customers can log into the IB TWS for Mobile demo.

Secure two-factor authentication using a secure login device is available within IB TWS for Mobile through IB's Secure-Login-System. Users are strongly encouraged to sign up for the Secure Login System to safeguard their account.

Because mobileTWS periodically uses your cellular network for communication, you may incur additional data usage charges when roaming.

*Users that run an older iOS version can still run a legacy version of the mobile application that supports their iOS version. However, Interactive Brokers does not support these legacy versions.

For the iPad:

  1. Open the App Store.
  2. In the Search field enter IB TWS and click Search.
  3. Click the application description to install the app to your iPad.

For the iPhone/iPod Touch:

  1. Open the App Store.
  2. Tap the Search tab, enter iTWS and tap Search.
  3. Tap the description, and from the description page tap the Free icon. It becomes the Install icon.
  4. Tap Install to install the app to your iPhone/iPod Touch.

Number of Watchlist Rows:50
Number of Watchlists: 12
Positions: unlimited
Active (Working) Orders: 100 (sorted by time)
Trades: 100 (sorted by time)

Number of Watchlist Rows: 100
Number of Watchlists: 15
Positions: 250 (sorted by size)
Active (Working) Orders: 100 (sorted by time)
Trades: 100 (sorted by time)

Use the Search facility, which you bring up by hitting the round "Home" button. Hit Home once if you're on your home screen, or twice if you're currently not on your Home screen. Enter "IB TWS" and hit Search.

If the application is still not found, reboot your device by holding down the Home and power buttons together until the device shuts down. Then hold the power button to re-power the device.

In some cases, the application can get "stuck" in a state where it's only half installed. Try going to the app store and re-installing.

If you still cannot get the IB TWS app, please call Apple support for assistance.

When you log in to your IB TWS application, all other TWS sessions will automatically be logged out. In a case where you are logged into TWS and lose your internet connection, you do not have to wait for TWS to time out; when you log into IB TWS the existing session is logged out. Note that IB TWS provides more limited trading capabilities than the full internet version of TWS.

Several account types are not yet supported in IB TWS, including institutional accounts, G-accounts (guaranteed dollars) and OATS-reportable accounts. If you have any of these account configurations you will not be able to trade your IB account through the IB TWS application.

Yes. From the Text Message page of the alert, enter the email address where you would like the alert sent. This address will be used going forward for all alerts unless it is deleted or changed. If you do not enter an email address, your alert will be sent as a text to your mobile device.

Please submit your request to IB via the IB TWS platform-specific section of the New Features Poll for consideration.

The current version of IB TWS supports the following:

  • Order Types: Limit, Market, Relative, Stop, Trailing Stop, Stop Limit
  • Times in Force: Day, Good Till Cancelled (GTC), Outside Regular Trader Hours (outside RTH)
  • Products: Stocks, ETFs, Options, Futures, Forex, Futures Options, CFDs, Warrants

We use your phone information for the following reasons:

  • To associate free Alerts with the user, so when you open free alerts you will see the alerts you created in a previous session.
  • To route you to the geographically closest servers (we have servers on three continents).
  • To pre-populate the default email address with email to the SMS gateway. This currently applies only to AT&T and Verizon phones.

You may be behind a corporate firewall. Please open port 4000 for unproxied TCP/IP communication from your device.

De broker met hoogwaardige vergunningen

Kantoren WH SelfInvest.

WH SELFINVEST S.A., opgericht in 1998, heeft een broker vergunning (nr. 42798), een commissionaire vergunning (nr. 36399) en een vermogensbeheer vergunning (nr. 1806) uitgereikt door het Luxemburgse Ministerie van Financiën. Het bedrijf staat onder toezicht van de “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier". Gebaseerd op een Europees paspoort heeft het bedrijf: een bijkantoor in Frankrijk (Nr. 18943 acpr) dat eveneens onderworpen is aan het toezicht van de "Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution" (ACPR) en de "Banque de France" en een bijkantoor in Duitsland (nr. 122635) dat eveneens onderworpen is aan het toezicht van de "Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht" (BAFIN). Verder heeft WH SelfInvest een representatiekantoor in Zwitserland dat eveneens onderworpen is aan het toezicht van de "Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority" (FINMA), en representatiekantoren, op basis van het Europees paspoort, in België en Nederland die aangemeld zijn bij de bevoegde autoriteiten.